Sofía Castro, Marcin Bukowski, Juan Lupiáñez and Zofia Wodniecka: "Influence of bilingualism on stereotype expression: the role of executive control and motivation to respond without prejudice" (oral presentation). International APPE-SEPEX meeting (5 - 7 May 2022, Faro, Portugal).
Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman and Theo Marinis: “Gender and Number Agreement in Italian as a Heritage Language: A Self-Paced Reading Study” (oral presentation). Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (12 - 14 May 2022, Trondheim, Norway).
Sheila Keeshan, Maren Eikerling and Stanislava Antonijevic: "Language performance in English and German of bilingual German-English children aged 7-10 years old" (oral presentation). European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy (26 - 28 May, Salzburg, Austria).
Maria Luisa Lorusso, Maren Eikerling, and Theresa Bloder: "A nonword repetition task for DLD-risk identification of DLD in bilingual children" (oral presentation). Child Language Acquisition Studies in Typical and Atypical Conference 2022 (13 - 14 May 2022, Florence, Italy).
Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Despina Papadopoulou and Theo Marinis: “Vocabulary and grammar learning in refugee children: Teaching approaches and pedagogical implications” (oral presentation). Humanity/Humanities on the move (27 - 29 April 2022, Braga, Portugal)
Konstantina Olioumtsevits: “attività ludiche per insegnare vocabolario e grammatica” (oral presentation). Multilinguismo in classe: sfide, idee, risultati (14 May 2022, Milano, Italy).
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares, Tanja Kupisch, and Jason Rothman: "Testing Potential Transfer Effects in Heritage and Adult L2 Bilinguals Acquiring a Mini Grammar as an Additional Language: An ERP Approach" (oral presentation). Heritage Languages Around the World (18 - 20 May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn: “Using ALICE to explore language processing in the brain: the application to EEG data” (oral presentation). ALICE/Shark user workshop (18 May 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands, hybrid).
Daniela S. Avila-Varela and Nuria Sebastian-Galles: "Study of labels phonological overlap across languages in bilingual toddlers". Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development (Lancaster University, UK; August 2021).
Jasmijn Bosch and Francesca Foppolo: "The relation between reading and prediction in biliterate children". International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).
Jasmijn Bosch, Ianthi Tsimpli and Maria Teresa Guasti: "English as the medium of instruction in the Maldives; a case study investigating language and learning outcomes". International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).
Jasmijn Bosch, Mathilde Chailleux, Jia'en Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti, and Fabrizio Arosio: "Predictive processing of gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children". 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (Nijmegen, Netherlands; June 2021)
Jasmijn Bosch, Maria Teresa Guasti, Fabrizio Arosio and Francesca Foppolo: "The relation between reading and language in multilingual and monolingual Italian children". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021)
Jasmijn Bosch, Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Solange Santarelli: “A cross-cultural investigation of teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism”. Multilingual Learning: Policies and Practices (Krakow, Poland; December 2021).
Jasmijn Bosch, Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Solange Santarelli, Federico Faloppa, Francesca Foppolo, & Despina Papadopoulou: “A cross-cultural investigation of teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism”. Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2021 (University of Edinburgh,UK; October 2021).
Theresa Bloder, Maren Eikerling, and Maria Luisa Lorusso: "Language specific und unspecific nonword repetition tasks for bilingual children – construction, implementation & validation of the MuLiMi NWRT“ International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association 2021(University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; June 2021)
Tanja Rinker and Theresa Bloder: "Lexical development in bilingual Italian-German educational contexts" (oral presentation). Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2021 (25 - 26 October 2021).
Grazia Di Pisa and Theo Marinis: "Gender agreement in Italian heritage speakers: Effects of markedness and proficiency". RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact New Perspectives on Emerging Grammars, Variation and Change (Berlin, Germany; February 2021)
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos and Niels O. Schiller: "Non-native noun phrase production in multilingual learners: An ERP study". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021)
Michal Korenar, Christos Pliatsikas and Jeanine Treffers-Daller: Bilingualism and creativity: "The effects of bilingual experiences of interpreters and translators on creative thinking". International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).
Michal Korenar, Jeanine Treffers-Daller and Christos Pliatsikas: "Subcortical adaptations in interpreters and translators compared to multilingual controls, and their relationship to multilingual experiences". International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).
Michal Korenar, Christos Pliatsikas, Jeanine Treffers-Daller: "Bilingualism and creativity: The effects of bilingual experiences of interpreters and translators on creative thinking". Language Studies PhD Conference (Reading, UK; March 2021).
Michal Korenar, Christos Pliatsikas, Jeanine Treffers-Daller: "Bilingualism and creativity: The effects of bilingual experiences of interpreters and translators on creative thinking".7th Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań (Poznań, Poland; April 2021).
Michal Korenar, Jeanine Treffers-Daller and Christos Pliatsikas: "Bilingual experiences cause dynamic changes to the volumes of the basal ganglia: evidence from interpreters and translators". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Michal Korenar, Christos Pliatsikas, and Jeanine Treffers-Daller: "Bilingualism and creativity: The effects of bilingual experiences of interpreters and translators on creative thinking". 3rd International Conference on Translation, Interpreting & Cognition (Bologna, Italy; November 2021).
Theo Marinis and Konstantina Olioumtsevits: “Multilingualism and language education: Findings from projects in the UK & Greece and implications for the German context”. 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (Freiburg, Germany; February, 2021)
Theodoros Marinis, Konstantina Olioumtsevits, and Despina Papadopoulou: "Language skills and educational perspectives of primary school children with a refugee background in Greek formal education". METU-Edinburgh Workshop on Language and Cognition in Under-Represented Children (September 2021)
Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Despina Papadopoulou & Theo Marinis: “Refugee children in Greek primary education: Language skills and educational perspectives”. International Linguistic Spring School: Multilingualism in educational contexts: Evidence from research outcomes (March 2021)
Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Despina Papadopoulou & Theo Marinis: “Vocabulary learning in refugee children: Teaching and assessment approaches”. Humanity / Humanities on the move (Braga, Portugal; April 2021)
Zehra Ongun, Jeanine Treffers-Daller, Julia Hofweber, Michal Korenar, Cise Cavusoglu, Valentina Christodoulou, Christiana Themistocleous and Theodosia Demetriou: "Ecologically valid frequency judgement task successfully captures differences in dense code-switching in bilingual speakers of typologically distant languages". International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).
Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Jason Rothman and Tanja Kupisch: “Heritage language bilinguals acquiring a third language at the initial stages: Neurolinguistic approach and its epistemological benefits”. Heritage Languages Around the World (Lisbon, Portugal; May 2021)
Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Jason Rothman and Tanja Kupisch: "On the effects of heritage language bilingualism on working memory ERPs". Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; June 2021)
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares, Maki Kubota, Eleonora Rossi and Jason Rothman: "Bilingualism as a Life Experience Induces Dynamic Changes in Resting State EEG Oscillations". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Tanja Rinker and Theresa Bloder: "Lexical development in bilingual Italian-German educational contexts". Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2021 (University of Edinburgh,UK; October 2021).
Jeanine Treffers-Daller, Zehra Ongun, Cise Cavusoglu, Valentina Christodoulou, Theodosia Demetriou, Christiana Themistocleous, Julia Hofweber and Michal Korenar: "Can two unrelated languages be mixed? Evidence from a new method to investigate codemixing". RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact New Perspectives on Emerging Grammars, Variation and Change (Berlin, Germany; February 2021)
Jason Rothman and Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares: "Effects of Linguistic Distance for Later Acquisition and Bilingual Cognition: Heritage Language Acquirers as a Test Case" Thirteenth Heritage Language Virtual Research Institute (7University of North Carolina; June 202)
Solange Ariel Andrea Santarelli and Federico Faloppa: "Linguistic autobiography in multilingual classrooms of adult migrants: a case study at CPIA PALERMO 1. Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Jia'en Yee, Ngee Thai Yap, James Douglas Saddy and Christos Pliatsikas: "Subcortical restructuring with increasing language experience: insights from bilinguals and trilinguals". International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).
Jia'en Yee, Ngee Thai Yap, Christos Pliatsikas: "Subcortical restructuring in bilinguals and trilinguals". The Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; March 2021)
Jia'en Yee, Yap Ngee Thai, Christos Pliatsikas, and Doug Saddy: "Multilingualism and implicit statistical learning". Connect’M - 3rd International Connect Malaysia (online; August 2021)
Fabrizio Arosio, Paola Francesca Aimone, Maria Teresa Guasti & Mathilde Chailleux. “The effect of structural priming on the development of morpho- syntactic abilities in Italian speaking children with SLI”. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (Siena, Italy; rescheduled from February 2020 to February 2021).
Fabrizio Arosio, Paola Francesca Ajmone & Mathilde Chailleux. “Morphosyntactic priming and direct object clitic production in Italian speaking children with DLD”. The Romance Turn (Ibiza, Spain; June 2020/ postponed until further notice).
Jasmijn Bosch, Mathilde Chailleux & Francesca Foppolo. “Processing of grammatical aspect in Italian children”. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America GALANA 9 (Reykjavik, Iceland; scheduled for August 2020, postponed to 2021 or to be held online).
Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Predictive processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children”. Workshop The Attentive Listener in the Visual World (Connecticut, USA; scheduled for March 2020, postponed until further notice).
Jasmijn Bosch, Mathilde Chailleux & Francesca Foppolo. “Incremental processing of telicity in Italian children”. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (Philadelphia, USA/ potentially online; rescheduled from June to September 2020).
Mathilde Chailleux, Jasmijn Bosch, Jia'en Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio. “Predictive processing of gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children”. 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children ISBPAC (Nijmegen, the Netherlands; scheduled for May 2020, postponed until further notice).
Dávid György, L. Ali, D. Bavelier, S. Kotz, D. Saddy, A. Sorace & J. Franck. “Rhythmic priming of structure processing?” Expression, Language and Music Conference ELM, (Connecticut, USA; originally scheduled for May 2020, rescheduled to May 2021).
Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Despina Papadopoulou & Theodoros Marinis. “Vocabulary learning in refugee children: Teaching and assessment approaches”. Humanity / Humanities on the move (Braga, Portugal; rescheduled from April 2020 to April 2021).
Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Despina Papadopoulou & Theodoros Marinis. “Vocabulary learning in migrant and refugee children: Teaching and assessment approaches”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020).
Isabel Ortigosa & Azucena García-Palacios. “The foreign language effect on affect labeling during feared stimuli”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020). Oral presentation.
Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Jason Rothman & Tanja Kupisch. “Heritage language bilinguals acquiring a third language at the initial stages: Neurolinguistic approach and its epistemological benefits”. Heritage Languages Around the World (Lisbon, Portugal; rescheduled from May 2020 to May 2021 due to the COVID-19).
Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Jason Rothman & Tanja Kupisch. “On the effects of heritage language bilingualism on working memory ERPs”. Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; rescheduled from May 2020 to June 2021).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic interference of grammatical gender in German and Italian late learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate status”. 30th Conference of the European Second Language Association EuroSLA (Barcelona, Spain; rescheduled from July 2020 to July 2021).
Daniela Ávila-Varela & Gonzalo García-Castro. “Universitat Pompeu Fabra Babylab studies and research”. Mothers and babies meetings at Civic Center Cotxeres Borrell. (Barcelona, Spain; October 2019).
Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Bilingual processing of grammatical gender”, Conference on Multilingualism COM2019 (UL; September 2019).
Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Bilingual processing of grammatical gender”, Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium (Edinburgh, UK; September 2019).
Sofía Castro, Marcin Bukowski, Juan Lupiáñez & Zofia Wodniecka. “Motivated social cognition in bilinguals: Towards a new theoretical framework and its empirical verification”. Winter Seminar on Social Cognition and Intergroup Relations (Poronin, Poland; February 2019).
Vincent DeLuca, Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Toms Voits, Christos Pliatsikas, Jason Rothman, Anastasia Christakou, & Ellen Bialystok. “Beyond structure: Investigating neurochemical bases for bilingualism-induced neural plasticity”. International Symposium of Bilingualism ISB 12 (Alberta, Canada; August 2019).
Vincent DeLuca, José Alemán Bañón, Jorge González Alonso, Eloi Puig-Mayenco, David Miller, Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Sophie Slaats, & Jason Rothman. “An ERP study of transfer selectivity in third language acquisition”. L3 Workshop: Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use (UKON; June 2019).
Maren Eikerling. “Automatisierte Screeningverfahren für Sprach- und Lesestörungen bei bilingualen Kindern”. Kolloquium des dbs-Doktorandennetzwerks (Berlin, Germany; October 2019).
Michal Korenar. “Two languages in one brain.” Invited talk (University of Wroclaw, Poland; March 2019).
Michal Korenar. “Different brains, different souls: Effects of multilingualism on thinking”. Invited talk (University of Wroclaw, Poland; March 2019).
Michal Korenar. “Psychometric approaches to the link between creativity and bilingualism”. Language Studies PhD Conference (Reading, UK; March 2019).
Despina Papadopoulou, Nina Douka & Konstantina Olioumtsevits. “Workshop on grammar teaching”. Education of migrant and refugee children workshop. (Thessaloniki, Greece; November/December 2019).
Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Toms Voits, Vincent DeLuca, Christos Pliatsikas, Jason Rothman, Anastasia Christakou & Ellen Bialystok. “Beyond structure: Investigating neurochemical bases for bilingualism-induced neural plasticity”. Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing AMLaP2019 (Moscow, Russia; September 2019).
Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Toms Voits, Vincent DeLuca, Christos Pliatsikas, Jason Rothman, Anastasia Christakou & Ellen Bialystok. “Beyond structure: Investigating neurochemical bases for bilingualism-induced neural plasticity”. Capturing and Quantifying Individual Differences in Bilingualism (Tromsø, Norway; September 2019).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic gender interference in German learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate status”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2019 (UL; September 2019).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic gender interference in German learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate status”. European Society for Cognitive Psychology ESCoP2020 (Tenerife, Spain; September 2019).
Jia’en Yee. “Review: Effects of orthographic transparency on reading networks”. Seminar on Current Issues in Language, Literature and Culture (UPM; February 2020).
Konstantina Zacharaky, Gonzalo García-Castro & Daniela Ávila-Varela. “Discovering the infant’s Mind”. Barcelona Ciència Fair (Barcelona, Spain; October 2019).
Michal Korenar. “At the boundary between lexical and grammatical aspect: an eye- tracking study.” Invited talk for the research group OOOMinds (University of Sheffield, UK; November 2018). Oral presentation.
Despina Papadopoulou & Konstantina Olioumtsevits. “Introduction to bilingualism and different tools in bilingual research with special reference to migrant and refugee populations”. International Linguistic Winter School “Biliterate Development in Diverse Contexts”. (Cologne, Germany; December 2018). Oral presentation.