Theresa Bloder, Maren Eikerling, Tanja Rinker and Maria Luisa Lorusso: "Multilingual approaches in Speech and Language Therapy. Are we there yet?" (poster presentation). European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy (26 - 28 May, Salzburg, Austria).
Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman and Theo Marinis: “Gender and Number Agreement in Italian as a Heritage Language: A Self-Paced Reading Study” (poster presentation). Heritage Languages Around the World (18 - 20 May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal).
David György, Sonja Kotz, Doug Saddy, and Julie Franck: "Rhythmic priming of syntactic processing in Jabberwocky: a short-lived effect?” (poster presentation). 35th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (24 - 26 March 2022, California, Santa Cruz / online).
Jeanine Treffers-Daller, Michal Korenar, Zehra Ongun, Tugba Karayayla, and Julia Hofweber: "Is it language or is it culture? Explaining creativity in bilinguals" (poster presentation). The Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity (12 - 13 May 2022, online).
Fabrizio Arosio, Paola Francesca Aimone, Maria Teresa Guasti and Mathilde Chailleux: “The effect of structural priming on the development of morpho-syntactic abilities in Italian speaking children with SLI”. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (Siena, Italy; February 2021).
Jasmijn Bosch and Francesca Foppolo: “Incremental processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children”. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (Siena, Italy; February 2021).
Jasmijn Bosch and Francesca Foppolo: "Prediction and reading skills in bilingual children on their way to biliteracy". 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (Nijmegen, Netherlands; June 2021)
Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, and Tanja Rinker: “Disentangling the effects of bilingualism from those of developmental language disorder: The role of input". Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; June 2021).
Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, and Tanja Rinker: "Perception and Production of Voice Onset Time in Monolingual German and Bilingual Italian-German Preschoolers“. International Child Phonology Conference 2021 (June 2021).
Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer and Tanja Rinker: "Processing of Voice Onset Time Differences in Monolingual German versus Bilingual ItalianGerman Preschoolers". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Theresa Bloder, Maren Eikerling and Maria Luisa Lorusso: "Language specific und unspecific nonword repetition tasks for bilingual children – construction, implementation & validation of the MuLiMi NWRT“ International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Symposium (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; June 2021)
Theresa Bloder, Tanja Rinker, and Valerie Shafer: "Perception and production of voice onset time in monolingual German and bilingual Italian-German preschoolers". Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2021 (University of Edinburgh,UK; October 2021).
Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, & Tanja Rinker: "Differences in processing of voice onset time in bilingual Italian-German children and Monolingual German controls". The Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Brisbane, Australia; October 2021).
Theresa Bloder, Tanja Rinker, and Valerie Shafer: "The development of voice onset time in bilingual Italian German children". Boston University Conference on Language Development 2021 (Boston, USA; November 2021).
Sofía Castro, Kalinka Timmer and Zofia Wodniecka: "Am I Really Monolingual? The Importance of Understanding Linguistic Experiences in Monolinguals". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Ingrid Davidovich, Genevieve Medina, Theresa Bloder, and Valerie Shafer: "English vowel and diphthong development in monolingual and bilingual toddlers". American Speech and Hearing Association Convention (Boston, USA; November 2021).
Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman and Theo Marinis: “Introducing neurolinguistics to heritage language bilingualism: An EEG/ERP methodology for examining the role of morphological markedness”. Heritage Languages Around the World (Lisbon, Portugal; May 2021)
Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman and Theo Marinis: “Using an EEG/ERP approach to study heritage language bilingualism". Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; June 2021).
Grazia Di Pisa and Theodoros Marinis: "Grammatical gender agreement in Italian as a Heritage Language". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Maren Eikerling: "MuLiMi: Screeningplattform für bilinguale Kinder – Guckste in die Röhre!?". Deutscher Bundesverband für akademische Sprachtherapie und Logopädie Symposium (February 2021).
Maren Eikerling: "MuLiMi – Computergestütztes, deutsch-italienisches Lesescreening für bilinguale Kinder". Deutscher Bundesverband für akademische Sprachtherapie und Logopädie Symposium (February 2021).
Maren Eikerling, Andrea Bigagli and Maria Luisa Lorusso: "Computerized reading screening to identify dyslexia risk in Italian-Mandarin bilingual children". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles, and Niels Schiller: “Non-native noun phrase production: An ERP study on the role of language similarity”. Psychonomics 2021 Conference (New Orleans, USA; November 2021).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller: “Non-Native Noun Phrase Production in Multilingual Learners: An ERP Study”. International Symposium on Bilingualism (Warsaw, Poland; July 2021).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Anna Ivanova Gupta, Leticia Pablos-Robles, and Niels Schiller: “Inhibitory control in language learners: The role of language similarity”. The Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Brisbane, Australia; October 2021).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Non-native noun phrase production: An ERP study on the role of language similarity”. The Society for the Neurobiology of Language (Brisbane, Australia; October 2021).
Dávid György, Lna Azzam Ali, Daphne Bavelier, Sonja Kotz, Doug Saddy, Antonella Sorace and Julie Franck: “Rhythmic priming of structure processing?". Expression, Language and Music Conference (Connecticut, USA; May 2021).
Konstantina Olioumtsevits, Despina Papadopoulou and Theodoros Marinis: "Refugee children in primary education: outlining their profile and aspects of their L2 Greek development"". Conference on Multilingualism 2021 (University of Konstanz, Germany; June 2021).
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares, Maki Kubota, Eleonora Rossi, and Jason Rothman: "Determinants of Bilingualism Catalyze Dynamic Changes in Resting State EEG Oscillations". XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (Universities Nebrija, Spain; June 2021,)
Daniela Ávila-Varela, Gonzalo García-Castro & Núria Sebastián-Gallés. “Study of phonological overlap across languages in bilingual toddlers”. International Congress of Infant Studies ICIS2020. (Glasgow, UK/online; July 2020).
Theresa Bloder, Valerie Shafer, & Tanja Rinker. “Disentangling the effects of bilingualism from those of developmental language disorder: The role of input”. Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; rescheduled from May 2020 to June 2021).
Theresa Bloder, Maren Eikerling, & Tanja Rinker. “Inputfaktoren bei bilingual deutsch- italienischen Kindern mit und ohne Sprachentwicklungsstörung: ine elektrophysiologische Studie”. Interdisziplinäre Tagung über Sprachentwicklungsstörungen ISES 11 (Marburg, Germany; November 2020).
Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Incremental processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children”. Workshop Multilingualism: Social and Cognitive Dimensions, part of Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 46. (Siena, Italy; rescheduled from February 2020 to February 2021).
Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Incremental processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children”, 33rd Annual CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference CUNY2020 (Amherst, USA/online; March 2020).
Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “Prediction and reading skills in bilingual children on their way to biliteracy”. 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children ISBPAC (Nijmegen, the Netherlands; scheduled for May 2020, postponed until further notice).
Jasmijn Bosch & Francesca Foppolo. “The role of reading and vocabulary in bilingual children’s linguistic prediction”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020).
Jasmijn Bosch, Ianthi Tsimpli & Maria Teresa Guasti. “Using English as the medium of instruction; a case study investigating language and learning outcomes of children in the Maldives”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020).
Mathilde Chailleux, Jasmijn Bosch, Jia’En Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio. “Prediction on the basis of gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020).
Mathilde Chailleux, Jasmijn Bosch, Jia’en Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio. “Prediction triggered by determiner features in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children”. 30th Conference of the European Second Language Association EuroSLA (Barcelona, Spain; rescheduled from July 2020 to July 2021).
Mathilde Chailleux, Jasmijn Bosch, Jia’en Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio. “Processing of determiner features in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children”. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America GALANA 9 (Reykjavik, Iceland; scheduled for August 2020, postponed to 2021 or to be held online).
Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman & Theo Marinis. “Introducing neurolinguistics to heritage language bilingualism: An EEG/ERP methodology for examining the role of morphological markedness”. Heritage Languages Around the World (Lisbon, Portugal; rescheduled from May 2020 to May 2021 due to the COVID-19 crisis).
Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman & Theo Marinis. “Using an EEG/ERP approach to study heritage language bilingualism”. Bilingualism and the Brain Workshop (Tromsø, Norway; rescheduled from May 2020 to June 2021).
Gonzalo García-Castro, Daniela Ávila-Varela & Núria Sebastián-Gallés. “Does phonological overlap across translation equivalents predict earlier age of acquisition?”. International Congress of Infant Studies ICIS2020. (Glasgow, UK/online; July 2020).
Maren Eikerling, Theresa Bloder, Tanja Rinker & Maria Luisa Lorusso. “The MultiMind web app – a modifiable, computerized system to identify the risk of Developmental Language Disorder and Developmental Dyslexia in bilingual children”. Bi/multilingualism and Specific Language Impairment BI-SLI2020 (Galway, Ireland/online; June 2020).
Maren Eikerling, Theresa Bloder & Maria Luisa Lorusso. “Da guckste in die Röhre?! – Computergestützte Screenings für bilinguale Kinder”. Interdisziplinäre Tagung über Sprachentwicklungsstörungen ISES 11 (Marburg, Germany; November 2020).
Dávid György, L. Ali, D. Bavelier, S. Kotz, D. Saddy, A. Sorace & J. Franck. “Rhythmic priming of structure processing?” 33rd Annual CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference CUNY2020 (Amherst, USA/online; March 2020)
Jeanine Treffers-Daller, Zehra Ongun, Julia Hofweber & Michal Korenar. “The impact of code-switching on executive functions: A study among Turkish-English bilinguals”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic interference of grammatical gender in German and Italian late learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate Status”. 3rd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children ISBPAC (Nijmegen, the Netherlands; scheduled for May 2020, postponed until further notice).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic interference of grammatical gender in German and Italian late learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate Status”. 12th Nordic Conference of Bilingualism NCB12 (Stockholm, Sweden; rescheduled from June 2020 to June 2021).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic interference of grammatical gender in German and Italian late learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate Status”. Conference on Multilingualism COM2020 (UREAD/online; June 2020)
Daniela Ávila-Varela & Nuria Sebastian-Galles: "Study of phonological links across languages in Catalan-Spanish bilingual infants". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)
Jasmijn Bosch, Francesca Foppolo, F., Maria Teresa Guasti & Fabrizio Arosio: "Bilingual processing of grammatical gender". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)
Jasmijn Bosch, Mathilde Chailleux & Francesca Foppolo. “Bilingual processing of grammatical gender”. Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing AMLaP2019 (Moscow, Russia; September 2019).
Sofía Castro, Zofia Wodniecka, Marcin Bukowski & Juan Lupiáñez: "Motivated social cognition in bilinguals: Towards a new theoretical framework and ist empirical verification". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)
Sofía Castro, Zofia Wodniecka, Marcin Bukowski & Juan Lupiáñez. “Motivated social cognition in bilinguals: Towards a new theoretical framework and its empirical verification”. Summer School in Cognition, Communication and the Brain (Helsinki, Finland; August 2019).
Mathilde Chailleux, Maria Teresa Guasti, Fabrizio Arosio, & Francesca Foppolo: "Predictions abilities in bilingual children with developmental dyslexia". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)
Grazia Di Pisa, Jason Rothman. & Theo Marinis: "Processing of gender agreement in Italian heritage speakers. MultiMind training school", Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)
Maren Eikerling & Maria Luisa Lorusso: . Computerized system for the screening of Specific learning and language disorders within bilingual children". MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)
Dávid György, Julie Franck, Doug Saddy & Antonella Sorace: "Multilingualism and rule extraction in the linguistic and visual domains". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)
Dávid György, L. Ali, D. Bavelier, S. Kotz, D. Saddy, A. Sorace & J. Franck. “Can rhythmic priming influence syntactic processing in typical adults?” Closing Conference of the Geneva Language & Communication Network (UNIGE, September 2019).
Anika Lloyd-Smith, Henrik Gyllstad, Sergio M. Pereira Soares & Tanja Kupisch. “Operationalizing HL use in adult-aged HSs of Italian and Turkish”. Capturing and Quantifying Individual Differences in Bilingualism (Tromsø, Norway; September 2019).
Mara Luisa Lorusso, Maria Teresa Guasti, Andrea Bigagli, Valentina Draghi, Shenai Hu & Maren Eikerling. “Language-specific, computerized system for the screening of Specific Learning and Language Disorders within bilingual children”. Giornate di Neuropsicologia dell’età evolutiva-XIV Edizione (Bressanone, Italy; January 2019).
Michal Korenar. “Let’s change the topic! How do late bilinguals process anaphora in stories with and without a topic-shift?” Linguistics Prague 2019 (Prague, Czechia; April 2019).
Konstantina Olioumtsevits & Despina Papadopoulou: "Grammatical and lexical development in migrant primary school children". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)
Sergio Pereira Soares, Jason Rothman & Tanja Kupisch: "Early Bilinguals Acquiring a Third Language: EEG and Behavioral Evidence". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)
Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Toms Voits, Vincent DeLuca, Christos Pliatsikas, Jason Rothman, Anastasia Christakou & Ellen Bialystok. “Beyond structure: Investigating neurochemical bases for bilingualism-induced neural plasticity.” Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop (UKON; November 2019).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Niels Schiller. “Cross- linguistic gender interference in German learners of Spanish: The role of gender congruency and cognate status”. Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing AMLaP2019 (Moscow, Russia; September 2019).
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn, Leticia Pablos-Robles & Nills Schiller: "Cross-linguistic gender interference effects in L2 learners: The effect of typological distance, cognate status and gender congruency". MultiMind training school, Greece(2019, May). (poster presentation)
Jia'en Yee & Ngee Thai Yap: "The effect of orthographic transparency on cognition, brain structure and connectivity." MultiMind training school, Greece (2019, May). (poster presentation)
Jia’en Yee & Ngee Thai Yap, Theo Marinis, Christos Pliatsikas & Doug Saddy. “Processing of grammatical morphemes: Evidence for morphological decomposition?” Conference on Multilingualism COM2019 (UL; September 2019).