Bloder, T, M Eikerling, T Rinker & ML Lorusso. Under review. Sprachtherapie im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit – Eine Bestandsaufnahme: was fehlt?
Bloder, T, M Eikerling & ML Lorusso. Under review. Language (un)specific nonword repetition tasks for bilingual children – construction, implementation & validation of the MuLiMi NWRT.
Bosch, JE & F Foppolo. In press. Predictive processing of number in bilingual children. BUCLD-47 Proceedings.
Bosch, JE & F Foppolo. Under review. Predictive processing in multilingual and monolingual children: Investigating the role of literacy. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism (Special issue on child bilingual processing).
Bosch, JE, K Olioumtsevits, S Santarelli, F Faloppa, F Foppolo & D Papadopoulou. Under review. Teaching L2 learners during a pandemic; a cross-country investigation of teachers’ challenges and needs. In S Karpava (ed.), Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and Inclusive Education. Series: Language Learning and Multilingualism. Leiden/Boston: BRILL.
Cabrelli, J, A Chaouch-Orozco, J González Alonso, SM Pereira Soares, E Puig-Mayenco & J Rothman. In press (under contract 2022). The Cambridge Handbook on Third Language Acquisition and Processing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Cabrelli, J, A Chaouch-Orozco, J González Alonso, SM Pereira Soares, E Puig-Mayenco & J Rothman. In press. Multilingualism: Language, Brain & Cognition. In J Cabrelli, A Chaouch-Orozco, J González Alonso, SM Pereira Soares, E Puig-Mayenco & J Rothman (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook on Third Language Acquisition and Processing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Castro, S, M Bukowski, J Lupiáñez & Z Wodniecka. Under review. Bilingualism is related to reduced social biases: The role of cognitive flexibility and motivation to respond without prejudice. Scientific Reports. Preprint DOI 10.31234/osf.io/ebvzt. [pdf]
Eikerling, M, T Bloder, N Frey, K Heeg, A Starke & C Lüke. Under review. Einheitliche Vorgehensweise bei diverser Zielgruppe? Anwendung und Durchführung des Mottier-Tests.
György, D, JD Saddy, SA Kotz & J Franck. Under review. Rhythmic priming of syntactic processing in Jabberwocky: A short-lived effect. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.
Korenar, M & C Pliatsikas. Under review. Second language acquisition and neuroplasticity: Insights from the Dynamic Restructuring Model. In J van Hell & K Morgan-Short (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Neurolinguistics.
Korenar, M, J Treffers-Daller & C Pliatsikas. Under review. Bilingual experiences induce dynamic structural
changes to basal ganglia and the thalamus. Scientific Reports. Preprint DOI 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1017465/v1. [pdf]
Korenar, M, J Treffers-Daller & C Pliatsikas. Under review. Structural neural correlates of habitual code-switching practices in bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. Preprint DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/2zebp. [pdf]
Korenar, M, J Treffers-Daller & C Pliatsikas. In press. Two languages in one mind: Insights into cognitive effects of bilingualism from usage-based approaches. Nase Rec. Preprint DOI 10.31234/osf.io/v2x5n. [pdf]
Ortigosa-Beltrán, I, A Garcia-Palacios & JA Duñabeitia. Submitted. Fear conditioning and bilingualism. In M Santesteban, C Baus & JA Duñabeitia (eds.), On the Beauty of Bilingualism: A Homage to Prof Albert Costa. John Benjamins.
Ortigosa-Beltrán, I, I Jaén, V Costumero & A García-Palacios. Submitted. The effect of the foreign language on cognitive reappraisal during exposure to a phobic stimulus. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
Ortigosa-Beltrán, I, I Jaen & A García-Palacios. Submitted. Processing negative autobiographical memories in a foreign language. Frontiers in Psychology. Preprint DOI 10.1101/2022.12.19.22283709. [pdf]
Pereira Soares, SM, A Chaouch Orozco, J González Alonso. In Press. Innovations and challenges in acquisition and processing methodologies for L3/Ln. In J Cabrelli, A Chaouch-Orozco, J González Alonso, SM Pereira Soares, E Puig-Mayenco & J Rothman (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook on Third Language Acquisition and Processing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Stanford, E, M Eikerling, O Hadjadj & H Delage. Under review. Supporting multilingual children with language impairment in a multilingual environment: Experience and perspectives from speech-language therapists in Switzerland.
Taha, J, N Stucchi, E Pagliarini, MT Guasti. Under revision. What is wrong with rhythm in developmental dyslexia? The inefficient anticipation hypothesis. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S, L Pablos-Robles & NO Schiller. Under review. Neural correlates of gender agreement processing in Spanish: P600 or N400? Brain and Languages.
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S, L Pablos-Robles & NO Schiller. Under review. Non-native syntactic violation processing: Different P600 effects for linguistically similar languages.
Yee, J, V DeLuca & C Pliatsikas. In press. The effects of multilingualism on brain structure, language control and language processing: insights from MRI. In J Cabrelli, A Chaouch-Orozco, JG Alonso, SM Pereira Soares, E Puig-Mayenco & J Rothman (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Third Language Acquisition and Processing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Yee, J, NT Yap, M Korenar, JD Saddy & C Pliatsikas. Under review. Subcortical restructuring as a function of multilingualism: Insights from monolinguals, bilinguals, trilinguals and quadrilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
Avila-Varela, DS, G Garcia-Castro & N Sebastian-Galles. 2024. Bilingual and mono-lingual vocabulary size comparison: Do they know the same number of words? In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Bloder, T, T Rinker & V Shafer. 2024. “I hear, I hear with my little ear”: Multilingual and monolingual children perceive speech sounds differently. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Bosch, JE & F Foppolo. 2024. Fostering multilingualism to support children’s school success. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Castro, S & Z Wodniecka. 2024. Is it only about language? Implications of multi-lingualism in other domains. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Di Pisa, G & T Marinis. 2024. When learning two languages from birth is not confusing. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Eikerling, M & ML Lorusso. 2024. When less is not more – multilingualism as a resource, not a burden for children with Developmental Language Disorders. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Franck, J, F Faloppa & T Marinis. 2024. Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Garcia-Castro, G, DS Avila-Varela, I Castillejo & N Sebastian-Galles. 2024. Cognate beginnings to bilingual lexical acquisition. Child Development. DOI 10.1111/cdev.14170. [pdf]
György, D, JD Saddy, A Sorace & J Franck. 2024. Language and music: Are they so different? Preliminary insight from research on multilingualism. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Korenar, M, J Treffers-Daller & C Pliatsikas. 2024. ‘Verbal salad’ is good for you: Demystifying mixing of two languages. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Olioumtsevits, K, J Franck & D Papadopoulou. 2024. Is the use of the native language problematic in second/foreign language teaching? In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Ortigosa-Beltrán, I & A García-Palacios. 2024. Popular myths related to people doing therapy in a foreign language context. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Pereira Soares, SM, T Kupisch & J Rothman. 2024. It’s never too late! Brain evidence to challenge the Critical Period Hypothesis. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Santarelli, S & F Faloppa. 2024. A vademecum on multilingual pedagogy for sceptical teachers. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Taha, J & Maria Teresa Guasti. 2024. Don’t fall for it! Multilingualism is not a risk factor for dyslexia. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S, L Pablos-Robles & NO Schiller. 2024. Can we learn a new language as adults? Absolutely! In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Yee, J, NT Yap & C Pliatsikas. 2024. The brain continues to change beyond childhood and adolescence. In J Franck, F Faloppa & T Marinis (eds.), Myths and Facts about Multilingualism. NY, Paris: TBR Books, a programme of CALEC.
Bloder, T, M Eikerling & ML Lorusso. 2023. Evaluating the role of word-related parameters on the discriminative power of a novel nonword repetition task for bilingual children. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. DOI 10.1080/02699206.2023.2226304. [pdf]
Bosch, JE, IM Tsimpli & MT Guasti. 2023. How English-medium instruction affects language and learning outcomes of children in the Maldives. Journal of English-Medium Instruction 2(1). DOI 10.1075/jemi.22001.bos. [pdf]
Eikerling, M, M Andreoletti, M Secco, B Luculli, G Cha, S Castro, S Gazzola, D Sarti, F Garzotto, MT Guasti & ML Lorusso. 2023. Remote screening for Developmental Language Disorder in bilingual children: Preliminary validation in Spanish-Italian speaking preschool children. Applied Sciences 13(3), 1442. DOI 10.3390/app13031442. [pdf]
Olioumtsevits, K, D Papadopoulou & T Marinis. 2023. Vocabulary teaching in refugee children within the context of the Greek formal education. Languages 8(1), 7. DOI 10.3390/languages8010007. [pdf]
Olioumtsevits, K, D Papadopoulou & T Marinis. 2023. Second language grammar learning in refugee children: Is group dictation an effective teaching technique? Pedagogical Linguistics 4(1), 50-76. DOI 10.1075/pl.21012.oli. [pdf]
Ortigosa-Beltrán, I, JA Duñabeitia, V Costumero, D Castilla, I Jaén, A Costa & A García-Palacios. 2023. Languages and psychotherapy: The effect of foreign language in fear extinction. Psicothema 35(1), 30-40. DOI 10.7334/psicothema2022.326. [pdf]
E Rossi, SM Pereira Soares, Y Prystauka, M Nakamura & J Rothman. 2023. Riding the (brain) waves! Using neural oscillations to inform bilingualism research. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 26, 202-215. DOI 10.1017/S1366728922000451. [pdf]
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S. 2023. From oscillations to language: Behavioural and electroencephalographic studies on cross-language interactions. Doctoral dissertation, Leiden University. [pdf]
Yee, J, NT Yap, R Mahmud & MI Saripan. 2023. Effects of orthographic transparency on rhyme judgement. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1038630. [pdf]
Avila-Varela, DS. 2022. Phonological and semantic overlap between words: Effects on recognition of familiar and recently acquired words in early childhood. Georg-August Universität Göttingen Dissertation. SUB Göttingen, Germany. DOI 10.53846/goediss-9161. [pdf]
Bosch, JE, MA Chailleux, J Yee, MT Guasti & F Arosio. 2022. Prediction on the basis of gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children. In D Ayoun (ed.), The Acquisition of Gender: Cross-linguistic Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 243-272. DOI 10.1075/sibil.63.10.bos. [pdf]
Bosch, JE & F Foppolo. 2022. Predictive processing of grammatical gender in bilingual children: The effect of cross-linguistic incongruency and language dominance. Lingue e Linguaggio 1/2022, 5-27. DOI 10.1418/104447. [pdf]
Castro, S, Z Wodniecka & K Timmer. 2022. Am I truly monolingual? Exploring foreign language experiences in monolinguals. PLOS ONE 17(3), e0265563. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone. 0265563. [pdf]
Di Pisa, G, M Kubota, J Rothman & T Marinis. 2022. Effects of markedness in gender processing in Italian as a heritage language: A speed-accuracy tradeoff. Frontiers in Psychology 13, 965885. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.965885. [pdf]
Di Pisa, G & T Marinis. 2022. Gender assignment and agreement in the oral production of heritage speakers of Italian living in Germany. Lingue e Linguaggio 1/2022, 99-120. DOI 10.1418/104451. [pdf]
Duñabeitia, JA, A Baciero, K Antoniou, M Antoniou, E Ataman, C Baus, M Ben-Shachar, OC Çağlar, J Chromý, M Comesaña, M Filip, DF Đurđević, MG Dowens, A Hatzidaki, J Januška, Z Jusoh, R Kanj, S Young Kim, B Kırkıcı, A Leminen, T Lohndal, NT Yap, H Renvall, J Rothman, P Royle, M Santesteban, Y Sevilla, N S, A Vaughan-Evans, Z Wodniecka, S Wulff & C Pliatsikas. 2022. The multilingual picture database. Scientific Data 9, 431. DOI 10.1038/s41597-022-01552-7. [pdf]
Eikerling M, T Bloder & ML Lorusso. 2022. A nonword repetition task discriminates typically developing Italian-German bilingual children from bilingual children with Developmental Language Disorder: The role of language-specific and language-non-specific nonwords. Frontiers in Psychology 13, 826540. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.826540. [pdf]
Eikerling, M & ML Lorusso. 2022. A web-platform for DLD screening in Italian-German-speaking children: Preliminary data on concurrent and predictive validity. Lingue e Linguaggio 1/2022, 193-212. DOI 10.1418/104455. [pdf]
Eikerling, M, M Secco, G Marchesi, MT Guasti, F Vona, F Garzotto & ML Lorusso. 2022. Remote dyslexia screening for bilingual children. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 6(7). DOI 10.3390/mti6010007. [pdf]
Faloppa, F, JE Bosch, F Foppolo, K Olioumtsevits, D Papadopoulou, S Santarelli & T Marinis. 2022. Multilingualism in migration settings: children and adult learners in formal education. The Multilingual Mind: Policy Reports 5. DOI: 10.48787/kops/352-2-9ugqswkm4a3x0. [pdf]
García-Palacios, A, I Ortigosa & T Marinis. 2022. The foreign language effect in psychotherapy. The Multilingual Mind: Policy Reports 2. DOI: 10.48787/kops/352-2-1t922xm66fjm91. [pdf]
Lorusso, ML, M Eikerling, T Bloder, T Rinker, MT Guasti & T Marinis. 2022. How to improve assessment and treatment of multilingual children with language and reading disorders. The Multilingual Mind: Policy Reports 1. DOI 10.48787/kops/352-2-75mul8rd74um4. [pdf]
Papadopoulou, D, T Rinker, JE Bosch, G Di Pisa, F Foppolo, K Olioumtsevits & T Marinis. 2022. How to support language and literacy development in heritage, majority and foreign language classrooms. The Multilingual Mind: Policy Reports 4. DOI: 10.48787/kops/352-2-dgc9sc4q6iz97. [pdf]
Pereira Soares, SM. 2022. Examining effects of early (heritage) bilingualism for later multilingual acquisition and neurocognition. Dissertation. Konstanz: University of Konstanz. [pdf]
Pereira Soares, SM, T Kupisch & J Rothman. 2022. Testing potential transfer effects in heritage and adult L2 bilinguals acquiring a mini grammar as an additional language: An ERP approach. Brain Sciences 12(5), 669. DOI 10.3390/brainsci12050669. [pdf]
Pereira Soares SM, Y Prystauka, V DeLuca & J Rothman. 2022. Type of bilingualism conditions individual differences in the oscillatory dynamics of inhibitory control. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 910910. DOI 10.3389/fnhum.2022.910910. [pdf]
Rinker, T, D Papadopoulou, DS Avila-Varela, JE Bosch, S Castro, K Olioumtsevits, SM Pereira Soares, Z Wodniecka & T Marinis. 2022. Does multilingualism bring benefits? What do teachers think about multilingualism? The Multilingual Mind: Policy Reports 3. DOI: 10.48787/kops/352-2-1m7py02eqd0b56. [pdf]
Taha, J, D Carioti, N Stucchi, M Chailleux, E Granocchio, D Sarti, M De Salvatore & MT Guasti. 2022. Identifying the risk of dyslexia in bilingual children: The potential of language dependent and language-independent tasks. Frontiers in Psychology 13, 935935. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.935935. [pdf]
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S, A Gupta, L Pablos-Robles & NO Schiller. 2022. When left is right: The role of typological similarity in multilinguals’ inhibitory control performance. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 26(1), 165-178. DOI 10.1017/S1366728922000426. [pdf]
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S, L Pablos-Robles & NO Schiller. 2022b. Does your native language matter? Neural correlates of typological similarity in non-native production. Lingue e Linguaggio 1/2022, 143-169. DOI 10.1418/104453. [pdf]
Avila-Varela, DS, N Arias-Trejo & N Mani. 2021. A longitudinal study of the role of vocabulary size on priming effects in early childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 205, 105071. DOI 10.1016/j.jecp.2020.105071. [pdf]
Bayram, F, J Rothman, G Di Pisa & R Slabakova. 2021. Current trends and emerging methodologies in charting Heritage Language bilingual grammars. In S Montrul & M Polinsky (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 545-577. DOI 10.1017/9781108766340.025. [pdf]
Bloder, T, M Eikerling, T Rinker & ML Lorusso. 2021. Speech and Language Therapy service for multilingual children: Attitudes and approaches across four European countries. Sustainability 13, 12143. DOI 10.3390/su132112143. [pdf]
Bosch, J & S Unsworth. 2021. Cross-linguistic influence in word order: Effects of age, dominance and surface overlap. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11(6), 783-816. DOI 10.1075/lab.18103.bos. [pdf]
Castro, S, M Bukowski, J Lupiáñez & Z Wodniecka. 2021. Fast or accurate? The change of goals modulates the efficiency of executive control. Polish Psychological Bulletin 52(1), 49-66. DOI 10.24425/ppb.2021.136816. [pdf]
Di Pisa, G, SM Pereira Soares & J Rothman. 2021. Brain, mind and linguistic processing insights into the dynamic nature of bilingualism and its outcome effects. Journal of Neurolinguistics 58, 100965. 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2020.100965. [pdf]
Eikerling, M & ML Lorusso. 2021. Da guckste in die Röhre?! Pilotierung computergestützter Screenings für bilinguale Kinder mit der Screening-Plattform MuLiMi. Forschung Sprache 9(2), 29-37. [pdf]
Eikerling, M & ML Lorusso. 2021. Computergestütztes, bilinguales Lese-Screening mit der Screening-Plattform MuLiMi. Sprachtherapie aktuell: Forschung – Wissen – Transfer 2: Schwerpunktthema: Perspektiven auf Beeinträchtigungen der Schriftsprache, e2021-40. DOI 10.14620/stadbs210740. [pdf]
Pereira Soares, SM, M Kubota, E Rossi & J Rothman. 2021. Determinants of bilingualism predict dynamic changes in resting state EEG oscillations. Brain and Language 223, 105030. DOI 10.1016/jbandl.2021.105030. [pdf]
Pereira Soares, SM & J Rothman. 2021. Cognitive states in third language acquisition and beyond: Theoretical and methodological paths forward. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11(1), 89-95. DOI 10.1075/lab.20080.per. [pdf]
Pliatsikas, C, SM Pereira Soares, T Voits, V DeLuca & J Rothman. 2021. Bilingualism is a long-term cognitively challenging experience that modulates metabolite concentrations in the healthy brain. Scientific Reports 11, 7090. DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-86443-4. [pdf]
Redolfi, M, SM Pereira Soares, A Czypionka & T Kupisch. 2021. Experimental evidence for the interpretation of definite plural articles as markers of genericity – How Italian can help. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 6(1), 16. DOI 10.5334/gjgl.1165. [pdf]
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S, L Pablos-Robles & NO Schiller. 2021. Cross-linguistic interference in late language learners: An ERP study. Brain and Language 221, 104993. DOI 10.1016/j.bandl.2021.104993. [pdf]
Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S, L Pablos-Robles & NO Schiller. 2021. Noun-phrase production as a window to language selection: An ERP study. Neuropsychologia 162, 108055. DOI 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2021.108055. [pdf]
González Alonso, J, J Alemán Bañón, V DeLuca, D Miller, SM Pereira Soares, E Puig-Mayenco, S Slaats & J Rothman. 2020. Event related potentials at initial exposure in third language acquisition: Implications from an artificial mini-grammar study. Journal of Neurolinguistics 56, 100939. DOI 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2020.100939. [pdf]
Treffers-Daller J, Z Ongun, J Hofweber & M Korenar. 2020. Explaining individual differences in executive functions performance in multilinguals: The impact of code-switching and alternating between multicultural identity styles. Frontiers in Psychology 11, 561088. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.561088. [pdf]